Hmm, so you want me to talk about my home dimension, and my start? I mean really, what is there to say?
Dimension IX-76... well, as the prefix designates, it's a dimension that's "owned" by the IXQC. The 76th one, if it wasn't obvious.
Umm... well, I mean, it's an okay place. Where's this log going again?
Featured on SF-25? I mean that makes no sense, but okay. In that case, if you're reading this, it's super similar to your version of Earth. Except where I come from, we don't have White Castle.
I mean, there are other differences too, but that's the one that stands out to me the most. In my universe, it's "Harold and Kumar Go To Chuck E Cheese".
So there I was, living a calm and peaceful life. I was an author. Ironic, isn't it? There I was, unbeknownst to me, creating alternate dimensions left and right. Now I'm the best agent this organization has.
Yeah, I've checked out some of my written works in-person. Not too shabby. Sometimes.
Anyway, yeah, I was an author. Then one day, a wormhole opens up in the sky, directly above the city where I lived.
Apparently, and I still don't know this for sure, but apparently my universe was colliding with another.
The IXQC was there. I mean it was a dimension that they had claimed as their own, so we at least knew about them. Maybe not the full extent of what they did, but we knew about them.
Well, they weren't doing anything about it, of course. Totally comfortable with watching my world implode on itself.
I don't really know how it happened, I just kind of was afraid for my life, and suddenly the wormhole closed and everything stopped getting sucked away.
Well, turns out Zuruer del Sarfawah, the founder of IXQC, was there. I mean if they want to "own" my dimension, the least they could do is make sure it doesn't get destroyed, right? Maybe that's what they were thinking. But they looked at me, all confused, and I dunno... saw something in me that I didn't know was there?
Well, then I was inducted into the IXQC. I disagree with a lot of the policies and practices of this place, but hey. Like I said, I'm the best agent they got. Can't exactly get rid of me.
Technological Rating: J
Magical Rating: W
Flora Danger Rating: O
Fauna Danger Rating: L
Dimension IX-76 is a relatively simple, non-complex dimension. Owned by the IXQC, the people of this world live what we consider to be a "standard" existance. This is relatively a mundane dimension. The only apocalyptic-level event was a black hole that nearly decimated the most populated planet within the dimension. This event was stopped by myself, via... well, I dunno. Maybe some magic? Doesn't really make sense, considering how little magic is actually housed here.